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Project Scope: Restorative construction as covered in insurance policy

On the morning of November 24, 2014 a fire in the northwest quadrant of the building ignited causing structural damage. The building was constructed, in 1957, as a multipurpose room (gymnasium), locker rooms and kitchen, in the early 70’s it was repurposed to a wood shop, welding, automotive, engine repair, and pottery as it remained until the fire in 2014.  The repair is to include restore structural capacity of damaged roof truss, fire suppression, detection and replacement of damaged electrical, lighting systems, dust collection system, and removal of asbestos soffit and fascia and all required code upgades for Group E occupancy as required by the IBC as adopted by the State of Alaska.

Permanent Status: Under Construction

Temporary Structural Repair Status: Complete

Asset Recovery Status: Complete

Temporary Welding Classroom Status: Completed

Design Consultant: Architects Alaska

Contractor: Orion Construction, Inc

Insurer: AMLJIA

Project Manager: Kevin Lyon