KPB Tourism Industry Working Group Application

Thank you so much for your willingness to serve on the KPB Tourism Industry Working Group. This committee was established by resolution by the Borough Assembly to assess how to balance the positive and negative effects of tourism. The mission of this committee is to thoroughly evaluate how tourism influences Borough costs and to explore equitable solutions for funding these services.

The TIWG will consist of seven voting members and three ex-officio non-voting members, including representatives from the tourism industry and community members. The group will convene during the winter months and is tasked with delivering a comprehensive report before the start of the 2025 tourism season.

2024-037 A Resolution Establishing a Tourism Industry Working Group to Evaluate the Balance Between Positive and Negative Tourism-Related Impacts on Kenai Peninsula Borough Costs and Services

If you would like to apply to be a member of this working group, please fill out this short application:

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