Alaska Liquefied Natural Gasline Project Advisory Committee

The Kenai Peninsula Borough Alaska Liquefied Natural Gasline Project Advisory Committee was established for the purpose of monitoring activities and developments related to the Alaska LNG project and receive public comment. The advisory committee’s recommendations will be provided to the Borough Assembly and Mayor for proposals to be made to the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation (AGDC).


Elizabeth Appleby, Heidi Covey, Terry Gifford, Jim Glendening, Dan Gregory, Paul Huber, Tim Johnson, Lou Oliva, Jason Ross

Alternates: John Czarnezki, Brian Olson


Alaska LNG Project

Alaska Gasline Development Corporation

Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development

The Municipal Advisory Gas Project Review Board (MAGP)

North Dakota Oil and Gas Industry Impacts Study 2014 - 2019

Feceral Engery Regulatory Commission (FERC)



Project Advisory Committee Document

Issue Tracker

Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Development List

Position Paper - Water Supply

Position Paper - Kenai Spur Highway Reroute


Committee Meetings are being held through the Zoom meeting platform.

To join the Zoom meeting click on the following link:

Or join by phone: (877) 853-5247 or (888) 788-0099 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 842 0007 8138     Passcode: 337300
