Established by KPB Resolution 2023-053 (adopted 08/01/23 unanimous consent)

The Voter Turnout working group is directed to specifically focus its meetings to explore actionable options and ideas to present to the Assembly that are aimed at increasing awareness, participation, and voting in local elections, including but not limited to, changing the Borough election day to align with that of the State of Alaska.



Working Group Members: Donna Aderhold, Teri Birchfield, Barb Blakeley, Johni Blankenship, Pat Case, Linda Cusack, Liz Diament, Leslie Hamman, Melissa Jacobsen, Alex Koplin, Brad Parson, Kris Peck, Shellie Saner, Michele Turner, Lauri Wallace


Physical Location: Betty J. Glick Assembly Chambers, Borough Administration Building, 144 N. Binkley Street, Soldotna

Zoom Meeting Information:

Meeting ID: 847 2293 8171

Passcode: 976289



Mat-Su Election Results

Municipality of Anchorage Turnout Report

On the Ballot Podcast "Off-Cycle Elections" Podcast "Off-Cycle Elections"

Ballotpedia "On-Cycle Elections"

Democracy Happy Hour - 100% Democracy Presented by Fix Democracy First (100% Democracy begins at 35:28 timestamp) 

100% Democracy Webpage

 Elections and Disinformation Are Colliding Like Never Before in 2024, The New York Times

How can we increase voter participation? Brookings

Keep Municipal Elections in October, Reporting from Alaska



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The meeting will occur once a month in the Assembly Chambers or via Zoom as designated by the advisory task force.

Assembly Chambers located at 144 N. Binkley St., Soldotna, AK 99669.  The NREATF will hold its next meeting on:



Submit a public comment to the North Road Extension Advisory Task Force HERE.



The North Road Extension Advisory Task Force (NREATF) was established under Resolution 2021-077. The advisory task force shall consider and investigate matters related to the development and betterment of the North Road Extension, now and in the future. The task force will produce a comprehensive report to the assembly recommending the future of the North Road Extension, including any future funding needs and available sources of funding to meet those needs. The advisory task force shall automatically dissolve one year from the effective date of the establishing resolution, 10/12/2022.



The advisory task force will consist of seven (7) voting members appointed by the mayor and approved by the assembly, and an ex-officio assembly member to be appointed by the Assembly President. Appointed members must reside in the area accessible via the North Road Extension or along the area which would be accessible if the North Road Extension were to reasonably be extended. Applications are currently being accepted. To apply, please click on the application link below.

Application for Appointment


N6 Mapbook


Additional information regarding the reapportionment process and to view interactive maps visit the committee’s hub site:



The next meeting of the Reapportionment Committee will take place on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.
The public is invited to attend.

 Assembly Chambers, Borough Administration Building
144 N. Binkley Street, Soldotna

or via Zoom

Meeting ID: 830 1392 2779
Passcode: 247558



Submit a public comment to the Reapportionment Committee HERE.



The 2022 Reapportionment Committee was established under Resolution 2022-003.

 The committee will review Assembly and Board of Education apportionment and the distribution of population within the Borough, and to develop one or more plans for Assembly and Board of Education apportionment for consideration by the Assembly.

The committee shall file a report recommending one or more plans for the Assembly and Board of Education apportionment with the Borough Clerk no later than Thursday, June 23, 2022 for inclusion in the Assembly packet of July 5, 2022.


Submit a public comment to the Emergeny Services Communication Center Advisory Board HERE.


The Emergency Services Communication Center Advisory Board will hold a work session on:

JUNE 27, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Betty Glick Assembly Chambers, Borough Administration Building, 144 N. Binkley Street, Soldotna

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 1016 3717

Passcode: 566371



The Emergency Services Communication Center Advisory Board was established pursuant to KPB 2.60 to govern the emergecy services communiction system including providing long-range planning for 9-1-1 emergency services call taking system. The board may advise the borough assembly and administration regarding the infrastructure needs to efficently operate 9-1-1 emergency services call taking system. 


Membership on the board shall include representatives from the Central Emergency Service Area, the Nikiski Fire Service Area, the City of Homer Police Department, the City of Seward Police Department, the City of Kenai Police Department, the City of Soldotna Police Department, the Alaska State Troopers, and the borough's 9-1-1 dispatch center. The mayor shall appoint and the assembly shall confirm by motion or resolution individual appointments from the borough to this board, including those from the service areas and the 9-1-1 dispatch center. The mayor shall consider recommendations of the applicable service area boards when appointing representatives from service areas. City members shall be appointed by each city's appointing authority in accordance with the law and any applicable interagency agreement. The State of Alaska Department of Public Safety will designate the Alaska State Trooper representative on the board. One or more alternate members may also be appointed for each listed service area and agency in the same manner described above for each board member. The borough mayor, or a designee, may serve as an additional ex officio member and shall have the privilege of the floor but may only vote in order to break a tie.

The KPB Resource Planning Department consists of the following  borough divisions; Planning & Platting Divisions; Land Management Division, Geographic Information Services and the Donald E. Gilman River Center

The Planning & Platting Divisions of the Resource Planning Department provides professional advice and information to the Planning Commission, Borough Assembly and other departments for the purpose of assisting in the ongoing socioeconomic development of the Borough.  It oversees all planning, zoning and platting powers on an areawide basis within the rural district of the borough.  The department provides information and assistance to other municipalities, local community groups, and the general public regarding subdivision regulations, local option zoning, land use regulations and land use planning.

The Planning & Zoning Division is now based out of the Donald E. Gilman River Center while Platting Division is based at 144 N Binkley Street, Soldotna, Alaska 99669


2019 Hazard Mitigation Plan

2030 Seward Comprehensive Plan Update - Volume 1

Kenai Peninsula Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plant - Draft (July 2019)

Kenai Peninsula Borough Comprehensive Plan 2019

KPB Code of Ordinances

Local Option Zoning

Material Site Working Group Final Recommendations

Ordinance 2014-02 - Subdivision Title 20 (enacted 02/11/14)

Planning Commission Meetings

Title 21 - Zoning



Building/Construction Permit Information

Conditional Land Use Permit Application (for new and modified projects)

Counter Permit Application

Planning Department Information

 Variance Application for Gravel Pits and Local Option Zones

MyKPB is a multi-purpose application that allows individuals to interact with the borough and apply for borough programs. To get support for MyKPB, please contact the department for the program you are applying for.


Kenai Peninsula Borough Calendar