The River Center is a multi-agency permitting, outreach, and education center. We have two agencies housed at the River Center that work together to protect and restore the rivers of the Kenai Peninsula, its watersheds, and its fish and wildlife resources:

River Center personnel also work closely with other state, local, and federal offices to further our mission, including: the Kenai Watershed Forum, US Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska State Parks, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and others.

What's Happening at the River Center?  

FEMA Floodplain Map Update

KPB has been working with FEMA to update the Kenai River's regulatory floodplain maps, also known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FIRM's. The preliminary maps were released in January 2023. The final, effective maps are expected in the Fall 2024.

Want to learn more?

Visit the KPB Flood Map Update page!