The River Center handles permit applications for the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Office of State Parks, Alaska Department of Fish & Game's Division of Habitat and the Kenai Peninsula Borough's 50-foot Habitat Protection Area, Floodplain Development, and Coastal Zone Management offices. River Center staff also work closely with the City of Soldotna, the US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service and other regulatory authorities.

Are you wondering which permits you need? The links below can help you determine which permit application or applications are required for your project. If you do not see the permit application you are looking for on this site, or if you are not certain which permit application you need, please call us at (907) 714-2460. Keep in mind that you may need more than one permit application depending on the nature and location of your project.

NOTE: All permits have an expiration date. If work is not complete, permits must be renewed prior to the expiration date. Most permit applications take 30 days to process. Complex projects may take longer. Please plan your projects with this in mind. Once you have filled out your application and added a drawing of your project, please deliver to the River Center via email, mail, or in person.             


Minor Vegetation Application New online application!

Or download the PDF application: Minor Vegetation Management Application (fillable PDF)

A Minor Vegetation (MV) permit is required for all pruning, trimming, or removal of shrubs and/or hazard trees within the KPB 50-foot Habitat Protection District, including dead or diseased trees. These over-the-counter tree removal permits are completely free, and can be completedonline, via email, or in person.

Multi-Agency Permit Application

This application is required for all activities that encompass the KPB 50-foot Habitat Protection Area, Floodplain, and any in-water use (including activities or structures that cantilever over the ordinary high water mark) of anadromous rivers and/or lakes, or activities that take place in wetlands. Please use this application for ALL projects - new, modifications, or time extensions. Please be sure to include a detailed site plan with your application (example).
Permit Fees:
The following fees are effective 7/1/2021:
KPB Habitat/Floodplain $50
KPB Conditional Use Permit $300
KPB Floodway Development $300


Habitat Tax Credit & Exemption Application 

This application is for projects that are COMPLETED. Use this if you are a landowner that has carried out habitat protection and/or restoration projects within 150 feet of waterbodies covered under KPB 21.18 Anadromous Waters Habitat Protection. 

ADFG Title 16: Fish Habitat/Special Area Permit

This permit is required for activities below ordinary high water of a fish stream or in a legislatively designated Special Area. Some common activities which require a Title 16 Habitat Permit are stream fords, bank stabilization, water withdrawal, floating dock construction, recreational mining and culvert placement.

Recreational Placer Mining Permit Application

For recreational placer mining involving the operation of a suction dredge with an intake diameter of 6 inches or less and 18 horsepower or less with no additional mechanized equipment. No fee outside State Park areas. For use in areas other than the Sixmile and Resurrection Creek Drainages near Hope, Alaska.

Sixmile and Resurrection Creek Drainages Near Hope, Alaska Recreational Mining Permit Application
For mining using hand tools or a suction dredge with an intake diameter of 6 inches or less and 18 horsepower or less with no additional mechanized equipment. Certain areas and times of year are off-limits to mining. See permit conditions for more information. No fee outside State Park areas.

Recreational Mining Activities in the following areas require a State Parks $100 fee:
Quartz Creek: T5N R3W Sec 25 and 36
T5N R2W Sec 15, 16, 19, 20, 29, 30 and 31
Cooper Creek: T5N R3W Sec 31
Crescent Creek: T5N R2W Sec 29 and 30


Site Plans - Blank
Department of Natural Resources State Parks Use Permits (Fees may apply)
Department of Natural Resources State Parks Commercial Use Permits