Minor Vegetation Management Permit Request

This application can only be used to permit the removal of trees and/or shrubs within 50 feet of ordinary high water (OHW) or mean high water (MHW) of a fish bearing waterbody.

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Must enter a legitimate email address

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Enter your Parcel Number below. Parcel Number MUST be 8 all numeric digits - example: 05913020

If you don't know your Parcel information, you can find it by using this Parcel Viewer.

Parcel Number MUST be 8 all numeric digits - example: 05913020

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Motorized equipment is not permitted be used below Ordinary High Water. This includes: bobcats, excavators, vehicles, etc. If you are not using such equipment, select “NO” to continue with the application. If you will be using such equipment, please contact the River Center at 907-714-2460 or [email protected]

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KPB does not allow dead or diseased trees to be used in any bank stabilization projects. Only live spruce may be allowed, and must be permitted through a Multi-Agency Application. If you are not using these trees for revetment, select “NO” to continue with the application.